Name | Description | Owner | Idle |
.emacs.d | Configuration for Emacs | 11 months | |
Git | Acme interface for Git | 22 months | |
aoc | Advent Of Code | 2 weeks | |
bin | Scripts | 5 months | |
cl-lammps | LAMMPS library for Common Lisp | 17 months | |
dmenu | My fork of dmenu | 12 months | |
dotfiles | dotfiles | 5 months | |
dwm | My fork of dwm | 16 months | |
dwrt | Differentiate with respect to | 22 months | | | This website | 6 months | |
nvim-config | My neovim configuration | 6 months | |
nyxt-config | Configuration files for the Nyxt browser | 22 months | |
shtpl | Shell templates | 22 months | |
simulazione-numerica | Esercizi per il laboratorio di simulazione numerica | 7 months | |
somewhere | Look for PDF files | 6 months | |
st | My fork of st | 12 months | |
stumpwm-config | Configuration files for StumpWM | 17 months | |
thesis | Thesis for my bachelor's degree in Physics | 6 weeks | |
trenord | Get information about trains in Lombardy | 5 months | |
unimi | Utilities to interact with UniMi services | 6 months | |
vimrc | Configuration for Vim | 5 months |