diff options
authorMario Forzanini <mf@marioforzanini.com>2023-11-04 08:45:09 +0100
committerMario Forzanini <mf@marioforzanini.com>2023-11-04 08:45:09 +0100
commit6aaab613e92b1a39f6b5979ef6e615e3f6e24769 (patch)
parent00a176a04faf675a01d9475d0ddaae420d7f99ba (diff)
Add solution for problem 7HEADmaster
1 files changed, 121 insertions, 46 deletions
diff --git a/2022/7.lisp b/2022/7.lisp
index 60c85a6..a9bb0ff 100644
--- a/2022/7.lisp
+++ b/2022/7.lisp
@@ -26,7 +26,13 @@
:initarg :parent
:accessor parent
:type dir
- :documentation "Parent directory."))
+ :documentation "Parent directory.")
+ (size
+ :initarg :size
+ :initform 0
+ :accessor size
+ :type fixnum
+ :documentation "Directory size."))
(:documentation "Directory class."))
(defclass file ()
@@ -44,75 +50,144 @@
:documentation "File size."))
(:documentation "Representation of a file"))
+(defparameter *max-size* 70000000)
+(defparameter *needed-space* 30000000)
+(defvar *part1-test* "$ cd /
+$ ls
+dir a
+14848514 b.txt
+8504156 c.dat
+dir d
+$ cd a
+$ ls
+dir e
+29116 f
+2557 g
+62596 h.lst
+$ cd e
+$ ls
+584 i
+$ cd ..
+$ cd ..
+$ cd d
+$ ls
+4060174 j
+8033020 d.log
+5626152 d.ext
+7214296 k")
(defmethod find-child ((dir dir) child)
(declare (type string child))
(find child (children dir)
- :test (lambda (dir ch)
+ :test (lambda (ch dir)
(string= ch (name dir)))))
+;; (defmethod print-object ((dir dir) stream)
+;; (format stream "~a~%~{~T~a~}" (name dir) (children dir)))
(defmethod print-object ((dir dir) stream)
- (format stream "~a~%~{~T~a~}" (name dir) (children dir)))
+ (format stream "#<DIR ~a>" (name dir)))
(defmethod print-object ((file file) stream)
- (format stream "~a~T~a~%" (name file) (size file)))
-(defvar *tree*
- (make-instance 'dir :name "/")
- "Root of the directory tree.")
-(defun reset ()
- (setf *tree* (make-instance 'dir :name "/")))
+ (format stream "#<FILE ~a>" (name file)))
-(defun parse-command (line)
+(defun parse-command (line last-dir tree)
"Parse lines that start with '$', there are three possible outcomes:
cd [directory] -> Return an object of type dir named after DIRECTORY
-cd .. -> Return the symbol PARENT
-ls -> Return the symbol LS"
+cd .. -> Return LAST-DIR's parent
+ls -> Return LAST-DIR"
(declare (type string line))
- (let* ((line* (subseq line 2)) ; remove "$ "
- (words (words line*))
- (command (car words))
- (dir (second words)))
- (if (and (string= command "cd"))
- (if (string= dir "..")
- 'parent
- (make-instance 'dir :name dir))
- 'ls)))
-(defun parse-directory-children (line)
+ (let ((line* (subseq line 2))) ; remove "$ "
+ (destructuring-bind (command &optional dir) (words line*)
+ (if (string= command "cd")
+ (if (string= dir "..")
+ (parent last-dir)
+ (if (string= dir "/")
+ tree
+ (find-child last-dir dir)))
+ last-dir))))
+(defun parse-directory-children (line last-dir)
"Parse LINE as output to the ls command. It may return objects of type DIR or FILE."
(declare (type string line))
- (let ((words (words line)))
- (if (string= (first words) "dir")
- (make-instance 'dir :name (second words))
- (make-instance 'file :name (second words)))))
+ (destructuring-bind (type name) (words line)
+ (if (string= type "dir")
+ (make-instance 'dir :name name :parent last-dir)
+ (make-instance 'file :name name :size (parse-integer type)))))
;; Does not work
-(defun parse-line (line last-dir)
+(defun parse-line (line last-dir tree)
"Parse LINE, executing commands or adding children to LAST-DIR. Return the next directory (that may be changed by a 'cd' command)."
(declare (type string line) (type dir last-dir))
(if (char= (aref line 0) #\$)
- (let ((dir (parse-command line)))
- (case dir
- (parent
- (parent last-dir))
- (ls
- last-dir)
- (otherwise dir)))
- (let ((child (parse-directory-children line)))
- (when (eq (type-of child) 'dir)
- (setf (parent child) last-dir))
- (appendf (children last-dir)
- (list child))
+ (parse-command line last-dir tree)
+ (let ((child (parse-directory-children line last-dir)))
+ (push child (children last-dir))
(defun parse-input (&optional (stream *standard-input*))
"Parse all of the lines in STREAM."
- (let ((last-dir *tree*))
+ (let* ((tree (make-instance 'dir :name "/"))
+ (last-dir tree))
(loop :for line := (read-line stream nil)
- :do (setf last-dir (parse-line line last-dir)))))
+ :while (not (null line))
+ :do (setf last-dir (parse-line line last-dir tree)))
+ tree))
+(defun part1% (stream)
+ (let ((tree (parse-input stream))
+ (result nil))
+ (labels ((mapdir (f)
+ (mapcar (lambda (c)
+ (typecase c
+ (dir (incf (size f) (mapdir c)))
+ (file (incf (size f) (size c)))))
+ (children f))
+ (when (< (size f) 100000)
+ (push f result))
+ (size f)))
+ (mapdir tree)
+ (loop :for dir :in result
+ :sum (size dir)))))
+(defun part1-test ()
+ (with-input-from-string (stream *part1-test*)
+ (part1% stream)))
(defun part1 ()
(with-open-file (stream #p"input-7")
- (parse-input stream)
- *tree*))
+ (part1% stream)))
+(defun part2% (stream)
+ (let ((tree (parse-input stream)))
+ (labels ((mapsize (dir)
+ (mapcar (lambda (c)
+ (typecase c
+ (dir (incf (size dir) (mapsize c)))
+ (file (incf (size dir) (size c)))))
+ (children dir))
+ (size dir))
+ (filter-dirs (dir)
+ (let ((result nil))
+ (loop :for c :in (children dir)
+ :when (eq (type-of c) 'dir)
+ :do (progn
+ (push (size c) result)
+ (alexandria:appendf result (filter-dirs c))))
+ result)))
+ (mapsize tree)
+ (let* ((free-space (- *max-size* (size tree)))
+ (space-to-free (- *needed-space* free-space))
+ (sizes (sort (filter-dirs tree) #'>))
+ (last-size 0))
+ (loop :for size :in sizes
+ :when (< size space-to-free)
+ :return last-size
+ :do (setf last-size size))))))
+(defun part2-test ()
+ (with-input-from-string (stream *part1-test*)
+ (part2% stream)))
+(defun part2 ()
+ (with-open-file (stream #p"input-7")
+ (part2% stream)))